Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mac OS9 on Intel

Well, for those still looking to use Mac OS 9 programs, Classic, which allowed one to use OS 9 on OS X, was discontinued awhile ago.

I like to use a couple of old OS 9 granular synthesis programs, ThOnk and Cloud Generator.

I tried out SheepShaver which is an emulation to allow one to use OS 9 on Intel Mac OS X. It works pretty awesome.

It also works with PC and Linux.

Check out more info here: E-Maculation


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

IcedAudio: AudioFinder

Wow!!! This is a stoopid kewl, super useful collection of nifty editing, collecting, finding, processing, converting, etc. of audio stuff.

Check it out. Very reasonably priced. I do not want to work without it !!!

IcedAudio: AudioFinder

That is all.

ScrewMaker Music Licensing Store