Sunday, January 25, 2009

AIR Users Blog

For those of you using Digidesign's AIR instruments, check out this site dedicated to them:

AIR Users Blog

Very cool stuff !!!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Waves Must Love You...

A super gnarly gift to you, at least for a year, from Waves:

Waves Gtr Solo

I've been using it for a few things. It's wonderful.

It is also very reasonably priced should you purchase a copy. I was quite honestly surprised at the cost.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

ScrewMaker KRK ReMixes...

ScrewMaker ReMixes of KRK Tracks.

KRK's Music is Neo-Soul, R&B-ish. Pretty damn gnarly songs !!!
(If I must say so myself. LOL).

Friday, January 16, 2009

Pro Tools 8

I downloaded the update this week. I like it. I like it a lot.

Those who have known me for a long time, know that I was not a PT fan, at least as far as the software is concerned. I have always had their hardware and plugins as a few of my Digital Performer rigs were with TDM hardware, AudioMedia cards, 001 etc.

PT was just lacking in the "music production" part of things. Things like groove quantizing audio.

With PT 6.4 things started getting useful. Stable Reason/Rewire support=Sweet !!! It was far more useful then what my other DAWs were doing.

Then 6.7 & 6.9. Yummy.

PT7. WTF? I was seeing many useful things from Logic being borrowed.

PT7.4.2. Blamo. I find I'm in PT a lot of the time. I really dig Structure. Really dig it.

Back in my racks of MIDI gear days, I would pre mix/program all my synths and samplers so as to virtual track. Back then it was easier than tracking out and separating several pieces of MIDI gear.

Then Reason came along. Wicked. It was not very stable with my other DAW. When I used it with PT, much better.


PT8 is, ahem, maybe like a real hard decision maker if one were to only have one DAW. Logic beats it mostly for the bang for the buck with all the other useful bundled apps. It would be hard deciding one or the other. But not as easy as it used to be. LOL.

For the record, I've used Digital Performer since '94ish. Logic since '00 and PT since '04. Reason since the day it shipped.

I still feel like all of them are important for what I do. PT is just making it really hard to use the others sometimes. It's ergonomics are very gnarly.



Friday, January 9, 2009

BoB's Really Kewl Anti-Sick Recipe:


One of the crazy things I did in class was give out recipes. LOL...

I do like to cook and stuff...

Here's one for when people were sniffling and hacking in class...


BoB's Really Kewl Anti-Sick Recipe:

Medium sauce pan. Less than medium heat.
Cover bottom with olive oil.
When heated add small-medium diced onion.
Heat onion to clear.
Add (a lot of) garlic, I use minced.
Heat another minute or so.
Add medium or two small diced tomatoes. I use about three medium tomatoes.
Let simmer a few more minutes. Your house will now start to smell really good. :)
Add some balsamic vinegar.
Simmer a few more minutes.
Add (a lot of) basil. Fresh is best.
I also add fresh ground black pepper and fresh ground sea salt, and some crushed red pepper.

Add a half bag of frozen Mediterranean vegetables. Simmer to hot.


A block of frozen chopped spinach. Simmer to hot.

Eat as is, or over pasta, or with (my favorite) heated whole wheat bread with or without butter.

Yummy !!! (May or may not help cold, but it's really, really, good !!!).



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